Birdie+ Instructions

Step 1:
Download the Birdie+ App. Available on both iOS and Android, simply click the download button on your mobile device or scan the QR code below to download!

Step 2

Remove the plastic tab from the battery compartment

Step 3

Make sure that the On/Off switch is ON by sliding it up

Step 4

Find your Device Activation Code (UID) in your order confirmation email with the subject line, "Thank you for your order!" If you can't find the email, check your spam and/or junk folder. There will be one UID for each Birdie+ device.

Step 5

Follow the instructions in the app to complete your device activation and onboarding. Make sure your phone has a strong internet connection and that bluetooth is enabled.

Step 6

If you can't find your Device Activation Code or need help getting started, please email us at [email protected]

Scan the QR Code with your phone to download the app